Hello. My name is Andy Fry and welcome to my blog. This is a place where I will record some of my ideas and opinions about the things that I think and care about.

As an intro to me, I am a geek and a software developer currently living in Houston Texas. I am interested in software development, science and games: video, board and tabletop.

This blog will be about me exploring topics that I find fascinating. I don’t plan on placing any boundaries on what I can write here. This may end up an eclectic mishmash that lacks coherency, or it may focus on one area to the detriment of the others.

I don’t know how this will turn out. I consider it an experiment in process. I suspect that it will end up being a way for me to get the thoughts that go around and round in my head out so that I can sleep.

I plan publishing weekly, but I don’t plan on a set schedule. This is a way to organize and layout thoughts, not a school assignment. I also don’t plan on publicizing this until there is at least a critical mass of posts to make it worthwhile to visit. It is quite likely that I will be writing to no-one for quite a while. That is okay. I will leave comments open anyway.

I know this post sets the tone for this blog, but lacks substance on its own. Here is a link to a friends blog, where he is cataloging Visual Studio shortcuts. If you want to improve your efficiency while using Visual Studio this is an excellent resource. If you want to learn more about other things, Here is a link to Google.